Wir sind alle Kanaken
↳ Kervin Saint Pere
AT 2021, 00:20:30
Wir sind alle Kanaken can be described as a fictitious anthropological essay on the word ‘Kanake’ and its origins and spread in Europe. What is said when the word ‘Kanake’ is spoken? What can be understood with the word ‘Kanake’? What picture appears in the mind when one hears the word ‘Kanake’? The question that arises in particular is which subjects are referred to with the term. The work reflects on these questions as an anachronistic journey through time that attempts to decolonise the word and its meanings. The subject of observation is German (European) colonialism in Oceania, as well as its effects on German-speaking countries today.
Footage by: Adele Kraft Fotos der deutschen Expeditionen nach Ozeanien aus dem Fotoarchiv des Museums MARKK
- Sektion Section: Campus
- Programm Programme: AMATEURINNEN*